Frequently Asked Questions
If any of the answers below don't fully answer your question, don't hesitate to reach out and ask.
Web hosting is the service of storing data that keeps websites up and running for users. Every single website that is online has a host server, and almost all use a web host to manage that storage. Not all web hosts provide the same level of quality, though. Uptime, and data speed and quantity of transfer are the best measures of a host’s success. You can often pay more to get data transferred in higher quantities, faster. Most web hosts offer unlimited bandwidth and disk space at a speed that is perfectly fine for small-to-moderate sized businesses or individuals. For companies with burdensome websites, they may need to seek out a more advanced web host
We provide a variety of web hosting solutions.
- Small scale shared website hosting
- Medium scale shared web hosting
- VPS hosting on AWS eC2
- Dedicated Servers
Unless specifically requested by our clients, all our shared hosting websites are hosted in our Data centre in Sydney. Amazon eC2 servers are also located in Sydney.
Bandwidth is the amount of data that is accessed while viewing a website. Every time a user views a website, data is transferred, and the measurement of that transfer is bandwidth. In general, images, audio files and video files are higher in bandwidth than text. That means that if you have a more burdensome website in terms of bandwidth – if you have lots of video or streaming audio, for example – you have a higher bandwidth requirement than someone with a simple text-only website, or someone with only a few low-resolution images. Some web hosts offer unlimited bandwidth, and some place a cap on it.
Disk space refers to the total space available for a user to store files on at any time. Files may be any type – HTML, images, videos – and at any single given time, the total file size may not exceed the disk space. How much disk space you need is dependent on what type of media and interactions you’ll be hosting through your site. Your email account’s storage is also counted in disk space, so if you have large files that will sit in the account, that will boost your disk space needs. Remember that although you might not need much space now, you want room to expand and grow in the future, without switching hosts.
We suggest utilising a dedicated email service like Google’s Gsuite or Microsoft Office 365 for a robust, enterprise level mail solution with features like calendar, shared contacts, web browser interface and more.
We’ve never been faced with an emergency recovery situation, but we do perform regular server backups to assist in quick recoveries. In some cases, we backup data every few hours. Our recovery response time is less than 24 hours.
Using an SSL certificate creates an encrypted connection between the user’s web browser and the your website. This means that any data transmitted between the website and the web browser can not be read without first being decrypted. This protects the data from being spied upon by someone else on the internet because they will not be able to understand the encrypted data.