Need to build connectivity between 2 systems?

The team at Spring can help with your systems integration solutions. Whether synchronising data, streamlining workflows, or ensuring smooth communication between 2 disparate systems, stop just accepting manual data transfers and system communication gaps are “just the way it is”.


How we can help

At Spring, we understand the frustration of having two separate systems that just don’t communicate with each other.

Lost productivity, greater costs and unhappy staff.

We specialise in providing seamless systems integrations services that bridge the gap between these systems, enabling them to work harmoniously and efficiently. Whether you’re facing challenges with incompatible software, data silos, or disconnected workflows, we have the expertise to create a unified ecosystem that eliminates bottlenecks.

Find our more about how we can help.

Analysis and Planning

It all starts with a deep dive analysis systems to find out whats possible and create a detailed integration plan for you.

Systems Integration

Our team design an integration method to connect the 2 systems. Direct connection or middleware systems are the most common

Test and validate all conditions

We work hard to rigorously test our integrations, validate data consistency, ensure all conditions are met and resolve any issues identified.

Implement, monitor and scale

Technology is guaranteed to change. We are with you to scale, pivot and grow as your company does, ensuring successful delivery and ROI over time.

What can be integrated with?

A common misconception that manual systems are “just a part of life” and you need to settle for wasted hours migrating data between systems. The truth is any system with an API or an external connection method might be able to be integrated with. At Spring we’d be happy to jump on a call to see if this might be an option for you. No strings.


How we helped Better That a marketplace with over 400 connected retailers connect up to their platform, shop and purchase and disburse funds back to retailers.


Better That is a dynamic multi-retailer marketplace that offers an exhilarating drop auction product, revolutionising the way customers secure the best prices for what they want. To run these auctions the platform needed to allow retailers to import product and synchronise stock and availability in realtime. Innovation and R&D were needed as a system like this was never done before and it was unknown if it would even work this way.


Leveraging our expertise in software development, we developed custom API mechanisms to allow retailers to connect up their eCommerce platform, import their products and synchronise stock and availability in real-time. Once connected we integrated the Stripe payment gateway to collect payments and automatically disburse payments back to retailers. The solution is currently running over 4 million events every single week, sitting at the heart of the platform and saving them time and money, allowing them to focus on the promotion and running of their business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, most software integrations require an Application Programming Interface (API) to facilitate communication between different systems. APIs provide a standardised way for software applications to interact and exchange data.

Yes, our integration services are designed to accommodate both off the shelf and custom solutions. We have experience integrating many custom software solutions so reach out and we can take a look at your systems.

While software integrations can typically handle a wide range of data types and formats, there may be certain data restrictions or limitations imposed by specific systems or APIs. We can discuss your specific requirements to determine if there are any data types that may present challenges during the integration process.

Off-the-shelf integrations like Zapier are suitable for simpler and more common integration needs. They offer pre-built connectors and configurations for popular apps and services which are honestly a great solution. However, if you require complex, tailored workflows or need to integrate with custom solutions, developing a custom integration would be the better option.

We have successfully delivered a wide range of system integrations across various industries and platforms. Our portfolio includes integrations with CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, payment gateways, accounting software, and more. We can provide specific examples and case studies upon request.

API integrations themselves do not directly enhance security, but their implementation usually leads to a far more secure data transfer then, let’s say, having someone copy paste data from one system to another. It’s important to ensure that APIs are properly authenticated, authorised, and encrypted to maintain data security during integration. We prioritise security measures during the integration process to safeguard your data.

We offer different engagement models to cater to your ongoing maintenance and update needs. These may include pre-paid hours of support, monthly service fees and licensing, service-level agreements, or ad-hoc support options. We can discuss your specific requirements and recommend the most suitable engagement model for your system integration project.

The duration of a system integration project depends on various factors, including the complexity of the systems being integrated, the availability of APIs, the volume and complexity of data being transferred, and the specific requirements of the integration. Usually, it’s about 1-2 weeks to understand and do all the mapping, 3-4 weeks for the development and then a couple more for testing and error handling. Again, it all depends on how much data we are sending and if we have to transform the data to be compatible with the other system. We can provide you with an estimated timeline after assessing your project’s specific details and scope.

Kickstart Your Dream Project With Us

We’ve worked with some of the most innovative ideas and brands in
the world across many different industries.