1About You2Web Project Details3Software Project Details4Budget and Timeline What type of project do you want to discuss*Please select oneWeb app or cloud softwareWebsite developmentMobile appUpdates to an existing platformA partnership opportunityJust pick one which closely matches what you wantWhat is your company name?What does your company do?Do you have a URL for your business? The primary need for this website is:I need to build awareness for my brandI need to offer a contact point to my clientsI need to take a new product to marketI need my company to have a better image onlineI need to sell my product/service through my siteI need to use it to build customer loyaltyI need somewhere to promote my latest product/serviceI need to have more security and stability in my platformVery Briefly... What is the current problem you are facing or what it is that you need?Someone’s searching the web for your business. What words or phrases will they search for in Google?This will help us do a search of your market to see who your competitors are and get a feel for who you will be compared too.Are you currently getting leads from your website or landing pages?Please select oneA few times a dayA few times a weekA few times a monthA few times a yearRarely or NeverJust pick what is closest to your situationDo you have your logo, branding and company styling completed? Yes No Do you have your website content ready? Yes No Would you like us to update your site or would you like to be responsible for updates? Yes No What stage is your project currently in? Just getting started Clear on requirements, ready to build Built already and need help Can you direct us to where to look at your current version?What is the primary purpose of your software or app?Who is or will be the audience of your software or app?Briefly describe what you software or app does or will doBriefly describe what your current problem or need is with your platform.Do you have any reference software or app which works similar to your requirement? Please list the ones you found closest.This can be even your competitor apps]Are you developing your software/app for internal or public use? Internal Public Will you provide us with detailed functional specifications for us to estimate the project? If you do not have a Functional Spec, would you like services of our Business Analyst? Yes we will provide it We need your help in putting this together Do you have wireframes or software/app designs (PSD/AI files) ready for the application? Or would you like our help on Software and App Design? Yes No Need you to do it for us How big is the internal team you have to collaborate on this project?Is there anything specific you want us to know about your platform before we get on the call Could you give us a ballpark figure of your available budget for the project?Do you have a current deadline or ideal timeline you want us to work toward for this project?